Free Ebook The Godborn (The Sundering)

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In the second book of the multi-author Sundering series, New York Times bestselling author Paul S. Kemp expands the legacy of Erevis Cale and sets the stage for a new and exciting chapter in the annals of the Forgotten Realms.Living in a remote abbey nestled among the Thunder Peaks of Sembia, Vasen Cale is haunted by dreams of his father, Erevis Cale, trapped in the frozen hell of Cania. Vasen knows the day will come when he must assume his role in the divine drama unfolding across Faern. But he knows not what that role should beor whether he is ready to take it on. He only knows what his father tells him in dreamsthat he must not fail.Enter Drasek Riven, a former compatriot of Erevis Cale. Haunted by dreams of his own, he too knows the time to act is near. Shar, the great goddess of darkness, looks to cast her shadow on the world forever. Riven has glimpsed the cycle of night she hopes to complete, and he knows she must be stopped.At the crossroads of divine intrigue and mortal destiny, unlikely heroes unite to thwart the powers of shadow and hell, and the sundering of worlds is set on its course. List of Forgotten Realms novels - Wikipedia The List of Forgotten Realms novels is a listing of the many works of fantasy fiction that are based in the role-playing game setting of the Forgotten Realms List of fantasy authors - Wikipedia This is a list of fantasy authors authors known for writing works of fantasy fantasy literature or related genres of magic realism horror fiction science fantasy ERIS - Greek Goddess of Strife & Discord (Roman Discordia) Eris was the ancient Greek goddess or personified spirit (daimona) of strife discord contention and rivalry She was often portrayed more specifically as the
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