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A young art student lands a summer job in Italy where she becomes captivated by the work of a famous artist. VikMuniz Welcome Vik Muniz was born in So Paulo Brazil but currently works in both New York City and Rio de Janeiro Verse of the Day My Prayer Father I know that you hold the day of Jesus' return in your hands and the reason he waits to return is known only to you However dear Father I also Spencer Tunick Sign up to participate in future installations and receive information about upcoming exhibitions and events read the artist's bio or contact his studio Banksy [Bristol] Graffiti artist shows and explains some of his best work brickartist - Home New York-based artist Includes gallery of works biography and information about his museum tour Mark Jenkins // City Street installations by the artist City Besanon Besanon Rome Rome Rome Rio de Janeiro Tudela London Dublin ARTISTdirect: All about the music direct from the ARTIST Exclusive daily artist interviews music news music videos and photo galleries Connecting fans and bands for 20 years through video and audio premieres free music WebMuseum: Artist index - ibiblio A listing of well known painters in the Western World Displays biography and well photographed masterpieces David Hockney ANNOUNCING THE PUBLICATION OF TASCHEN'S DAVID HOCKNEY: A BIGGER BOOK The only authorized David Hockney website Chihulycom Official Site of Glass Artist Dale Chihuly Freeblown functional and sculptural glass works Video clips show work in progress
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